3 Best Udemy Courses to Learn Tkinter

What is the easiest way to build apps using Python? I would say that Tkinter is the easiest way to create your first app using Python. If you are someone who knows Python but hasn’t created any apps using it, then Tkinter is the best option for you.

Tkinter allows us to create desktop applications with GUIs (graphical user interfaces. I created my first app using Tkinter some years ago, and that feeling when I created my first-ever app was pretty awesome. It gave me the confidence to learn more technologies and build more apps.

I have written many articles and guides on this blog itself for learning Tkinter and building apps. If you are someone who can learn using these articles, I would highly recommend you those articles. 

But if you are a person who needs a video course, then I will recommend you some of the best online courses to learn Tkinter. These courses are pretty inexpensive but with high-quality content and projects. Let’s dive right in and see which are the best Udemy courses to learn Tkinter.

GUI Development with Python and Tkinter

This bestseller course was created by Jose Salvatierra, the founder of Teclado. This course will walk you through the fundamentals of Tkinter so that you can easily build some cool apps with it. The course starts with a Python refresher section so that you can refresh the Python concepts that you have learned already.

The course covers important Tkinter concepts such as grid, pack, and a wide variety of widgets like buttons, labels, entries, spinboxes, canvas, etc. It will also teach you how to create your own styles and use them in your applications. The course also covers how to connect to the web APIs to send and receive data, stored in the cloud.

By doing this course, you’ll be able to create several amazing projects like a Distance Converter, Pomodoro Timer, Chat App, and a Snake Game. You can add these projects to your portfolio if you are a beginner who hasn’t done any projects.

If you know Python basics and the fundamentals of object-oriented programming (OOP), then you are good to go. Tkinter is not that hard to learn. It is very easy to do Tkinter development and anybody can master it quickly. So after completing the course, you’ll be able to take your app ideas in your head and turn it into reality.

Course NameGUI Development with Python and Tkinter
InstructorJose Salvatierra
Rating4.7/5 (1,250+ ratings)
Duration11+ hours

If you are interested in this course, click here to check the syllabus and watch some sample videos.

The Art of Doing: Create 10 Python GUIs with Tkinter Today!

This course is the right choice for you if you want to do a lot of projects in Tkinter. The Art of Doing, created by Michael Eramo, is a great course with 10+ Tkinter projects. 

As the name suggests, the course focuses a lot on the art of doing projects rather than just consuming theoretical information. But that doesn’t mean you won’t learn the basic concepts of Tkinter. The course will teach you everything you need to learn about Tkinter in a much more fun and practical way.

These are the 10 cool Tkinter projects that you’ll do in this course.

  • Metric Helper
  • Checklist App
  • Calculator App
  • Notepad App
  • Color Theme Maker
  • Morse Code Translator
  • Simon Memory Game
  • Gravity Simulation App
  • Weather Forecast App
  • APOD Viewer (Astronomy Picture of the Day)

If you want to see a demo of all these apps, watch the sample video given in the course.

By doing the course, you’ll also get familiarized with Tkinter concepts like Labels, Frames, Buttons, Entry Boxes, Radio Buttons, Drop Down, Menus, Scroll Bars, Sliders, Canvases, and many more.

The course also contains material on managing application layouts, calling APIs and sorting through the returned data, and creating standalone executable files that will run on any Windows machine.

Course NameThe Art of Doing: Create 10 Python GUIs with Tkinter Today!
InstructorMichael Eramo
Rating4.8/5  (100+ ratings)
Duration14+ hours

Click here to check the course syllabus and sample videos on Udemy.

Intro To TKinter for Python GUI Apps

This Tkinter course, created by John Elder, is an introductory course and is aimed at beginners. John is the founder of Codemy, and he is famous for explaining technical concepts very clearly. You’ll learn how to create desktop applications using Python and Tkinter very quickly. The course will walk you through the ins and outs of Tkinter.

The course will start with the basic concepts of Tkinter and an overview of the various widgets available in Tkinter. Once you are good with the basics, you can start building projects.

The main project that you’ll build in this course is a Math Flashcard App. The app will have addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division flashcards. John has created several other Tkinter courses on Udemy which focus on building specific projects. Once you complete this intro course, then you can do those other courses if you are interested.

Course NameIntro To TKinter for Python GUI Apps
InstructorJohn Elder
Rating4.8/5 (259 ratings)
Duration4.5+ hours

Click here to check out the course contents and current price on Udemy.

Final Thoughts

Tkinter is a great way to start your app development career as it is very easy and beginner-friendly. You’ll be surprised to see how easy it is to build pretty cool apps using Tkinter.

After doing a lot of research, these are the 3 best Udemy courses that I could find on Udemy. I checked the content quality, instructors, their way of teaching, and course topics and projects for most of the Tkinter courses on Udemy, and picked these courses.

Out of all the Tkinter courses on Udemy, these are my favorite ones. So pick the one that suits you from these 3 courses and start building Python apps.

Once you have mastered Tkinter, you will gain a lot of confidence to dive into other technologies which are much harder to master for beginners.

I hope this article was helpful. Thanks for reading!

Ashwin Joy

I'm the face behind Pythonista Planet. I learned my first programming language back in 2015. Ever since then, I've been learning programming and immersing myself in technology. On this site, I share everything that I've learned about computer programming.

One thought on “3 Best Udemy Courses to Learn Tkinter

  1. hello sir, how are you sir i am working on real-time app, where I want to send data from tkinter to Firebase. and the Firebase sends data to Kivy mobile app. but I am having an issue, The Tkinter app is sending data, but not updating the labels. next firebase stores data. but I can’t send data to Kivy app.

    i want more info, and tutorials to handle the tkinter GUI, and its backend

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