Mutual Funds SIP Calculator Using Python

In this article, I will help you calculate the returns that you will get on your mutual fund SIP investments using Python programming. SIP (short form for Systematic Investment Plan) allows you to invest small amounts in mutual funds at regular intervals.

The mathematical formula for calculating the expected returns of mutuals fund SIP investments is as follows.

SIP mathematical formula

Based on this equation, we can calculate the future value of mutual fund SIP investments.

Here is a Python program that will take the monthly investment amount, number of years, and the yearly rate of return as the inputs and prints the future value.

amount = float(input("Enter the monthly SIP amount: "))
yearlyRate = float(input("Enter the yearly rate of return: "))
years = int(input("Enter the number of years: "))
monthlyRate = yearlyRate/12/100
months = years * 12
futureValue = amount * ((((1 + monthlyRate)**(months))-1) * (1 + monthlyRate))/monthlyRate
futureValue = round(futureValue)
print("The expected amount you will get is:",futureValue)

If you run the above code, you will get the output as follows:

My strategy of investing is pretty simple. I invest in index funds for the long term and liquid mutual funds for the short term using the Groww platform.

If you want to invest in mutual funds or stocks, click here to check out Groww. This is not a sponsored post or something like that. I personally use Groww, and that’s why I recommend it.

Note: I’m not a financial advisor. Please do your own due diligence before investing.

Ashwin Joy

I'm the face behind Pythonista Planet. I learned my first programming language back in 2015. Ever since then, I've been learning programming and immersing myself in technology. On this site, I share everything that I've learned about computer programming.

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